A Tapestry of Tradition and Love
For centuries, Andean women have woven their livelihoods and their families' warmth through the art of knitting. This legacy, passed down through infancy and across generations, is the cornerstone of Polko. With each stitch, we honor this heritage and the cherished words of our artisans: 'At age four, I learned to set a wood fire to nourish us and to spin alpaca wool to knit.'
Every piece of our knitted baby alpaca wool embodies the essence of this art, crafted with unwavering love and a wish for your baby to feel the energy we infuse into each creation. In Andean culture, we believe that this energy we imbue into the living baby alpaca wool brings forth healing and positivity to your baby, and to all who embrace our knitted pieces made with care.
We commit to you that each item we offer carries the spirit of ancient traditions, the warmth of family, and the intention of bringing comfort and joy to your little one. Our guarantee is not just in the quality of our products, but in the energy and care we pour into every stitch. Your trust in Polko is a bond of shared values, woven into every creation with threads of history, love, and a belief in the power of positive energy. Welcome to a world where heritage embraces your family's future, stitch by stitch.